Grainfields Australia Blog Posts

Easter can be just as sweet with a little less sugar

Easter can be just as sweet with a little less sugar

It’s so easy to go overboard on sugary treats at Easter time. So here are some tips to try and help overcome sweet temptation. It’s all about getting some balance – Don’t deprive yourself, it’s OK to have a sweet treat now and again on special occasions. But if you’re...

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How Our Gut Microbiome Changes As We Age

How Our Gut Microbiome Changes As We Age

The development of our gut microbiota begins during the birth process when we are exposed to many microorganisms from our mother as well as the environment. Studies have shown that naturally birthed babies have a more enriched microbiome than those born by caesarian....

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Have A Liver Loving Christmas and a Healthy New Year

Have A Liver Loving Christmas and a Healthy New Year

Christmas is that time of year that can push you to your mental and physical limits.  There is always so much to do including the never-ending lineup of parties with the temptation of all the rich foods, sugary treats and alcohol. So, in order to survive the silly...

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Minerals – Why We Need Them

Minerals – Why We Need Them

Our body needs minerals to keep our bones, muscles, heart and brain working.  Minerals occur in rocks, soil, and water, they are absorbed as plants grow or by animals when animals eat the plants. However, the essential minerals we need for good health are not...

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Probiotic Fermented Foods and Pregnancy

Probiotic Fermented Foods and Pregnancy

Many people ask if it is safe to consume Grainfields fermented foods during pregnancy. Grainfields products are a food rather than a medicine and contain naturally occurring beneficial probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria that are needed for a healthy digestive and immune...

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Lockdown Sourdough baking during Covid 19

Lockdown Sourdough baking during Covid 19

With many of us self- isolated and in lockdown due to coronavirus and Covid 19 we have more time to ourselves than ever before. So here is something to do that does take time- making sourdough.  Just making the starter culture can usually take 5...

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Beauty Starts From Within – The Secret to Beautiful Skin

Beauty Starts From Within – The Secret to Beautiful Skin

We are always talking about the importance of gut health and how it affects us in many areas including digestion, the immune system, mood and general wellbeing.  But another area not so often discussed is how an imbalanced gut can also reflect in the appearance of our...

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Whole Foods

Whole Foods

Nature has provided us with a varied and wonderful supply of food. Within our own area we will find different types of foods. During the year various foods have their time and place. Throughout history, when climate has changed there has been a food supply that...

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Should we say No to GMO?

Should we say No to GMO?

What does GMO mean and why is there so much controversy about it? What does it mean to Australian consumers? Whilst we humans have been manipulating the genes of plants and animals though natural methods such as cross pollination, grafting, crossbreeding and sexual...

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Winter Immunity Help

Winter Immunity Help

Winter is here! This is a time when our immune systems can really be put under pressure. Flus and colds can make our life a misery. Having a healthy gut biome is our immune systems first line of defence against nasty viruses and bad bacteria in the body. There are...

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Prepare yourself for the Festive Season

Prepare yourself for the Festive Season

Christmas parties, workplace end of year parties and family BBQs can mean an over-indulgence of rich foods and of course alcohol! Plus all these extra activities and social catch-ups can really take its toll on our energy levels. Prepare yourself beforehand. Eat a...

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Gut health – A hot topic

Gut health – A hot topic

It seems like the importance of gut health is a hot topic these days, with a huge amount of research being done, which has resulted numerous books and articles being written on the subject. Research on gut health is not a new science, it has been around for a long...

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