Supercharged Nutrient Absorption Combos

There are some super charged food combinations that have been backed by research which found they can work together to help with better nutrient absorption. Check these out!

Vitamin C and Iron – There are two types of iron in food, haem iron which is found in foods from animals such as meat, fish and eggs. Then there is non-haem iron, which comes from vegetarian plant sources such as legumes, wholegrains and dark leafy greens.

Haem iron is easier for the body to absorb and utilise than non-haem iron. However, science has found combining non-haem foods with vitamin C converts the non-haem iron into a form that is more easily absorbed. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi fruit, black currants, capsicums, tomatoes and cruciferous vegetables including brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and cabbage are all good natural food sources of vitamin C.

Supercharged absorption combo– add lemon, lime or orange juice to salad dressings and include raw cabbage, tomato or capsicum with iron rich leafy greens, grains, legumes seeds and nuts.

Fat soluble vitamins and carotenoids with fat The Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A, D, E, and K. and as their name suggests, they need to be combined with fat to be better absorbed. Most vitamin E foods such as seeds, nuts and avocado already contain a fair amount of fat as do vitamin D and K foods such as eggs and dairy foods. So, these foods are already conveniently combined. However, there are vitamin K foods such as Kale and leafy greens which need to be combined with fat for better absorption. A fat combination is also needed to help absorb vitamin A carotenoid nutrients from yellow fleshed fruits, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn and tomatoes.

Supercharged absorption combo– add some cheese, avocado, or a tahini dressing to your salad or sprinkle your meals with nuts and seeds. Add a dollop of yoghurt to a bowl of chopped rockmelon and paw paw. 

Vitamin D and Calcium– Vitamin D is also known as the “sun vitamin” as exposure to sun is our main source of this vitamin. Because it is difficult to obtain enough Vitamin D from food alone, supplementation is often recommended by Doctors and Health practitioners. The role of vitamin D in the body is important as it regulates calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is not absorbed if the body does not have sufficient vitamin D.

Supercharged absorption combo– Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel and mushrooms are good food sources of vitamin D. Combine them with greens which are high in calcium such as broccoli, kale and leafy greens. Actually, the tinned salmon with soft bones is a great way of obtaining calcium and vitamin D together as well.

Turmeric and Black Pepper– The absorption of the active curcumin in turmeric is enhanced when combined with the piperine compound found in black pepper.

Supercharged absorption combo– It is so easy to combine these two spices in flavoursome curries and stir fries. Or why not try our new Grainfields Artamix with Turmeric & Black Pepper Capsules!

Sources: Modelling the dose effects of soybean oil in salad dressing on carotenoid and fat-soluble vitamin bioavailability in salad vegetables. Wendy S White, Yang Zhou, Agatha Crane, Phillip Dixon, Frits Quadt, Leonard M Flendrig.  

The role of vitamin C in iron absorption L Hallberg, M Brune, L Rossander. PMID: 2507689

Vitamin D and Calcium: A Winning Combo By Megan Meyer, PhD Food Insight Nov 2016.