Probiotic Fermented Foods and Pregnancy

Many people ask if it is safe to consume Grainfields fermented foods during pregnancy.

Grainfields products are a food rather than a medicine and contain naturally occurring beneficial probiotic Lactobacillus bacteria that are needed for a healthy digestive and immune system.

This means Grainfields products can be helpful to take at any time before, during and after pregnancy for both mother and the baby. Every batch of product produced by AGM Foods is laboratory tested for food safety including absence of pathogens and presence of Lactobacillus.  Food based beneficial bacteria have been naturally occurring in our food chain throughout history. However, they are now often lacking in the modern- day diet due to the over processing of food and the widespread use of pesticides and chemicals. Taking antibiotics, smoking and stress can also deplete or kill our beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome may well be the key the health of both the mother and baby.

During pregnancy the baby has no gut bacteria and relies totally on the mother. It is not until birth that the baby is first introduced to these bacteria as they make their way through the birth canal. The best scenario is a healthy mother with a birth canal that contains a thriving supply of beneficial bacteria. However, if the mother’s digestive tract is compromised due to poor nutrition or infected with pathogenic bacteria then the baby maybe prone to a compromised digestive and immune system. Also, when a baby bypasses the birth canal during a caesarean birth they miss out on this initial bacteria from the mother

The colostrum in the first milk of a healthy mother should be full of these beneficial bacteria and this is what helps the baby establish its immune system following the birth. This means that during breast feeding the baby will get the good bacteria through the milk. Unfortunately, not everybody is able to breastfeed. A teaspoon of Grainfields liquids can be fed to babies diluted with cooled boiled water via a bottle or eyedropper.

Including the Grainfields fermented foods along with a nutritious diet can help ensure both you and your baby are getting the good bacteria you need.

Always consult your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet while pregnant.

Customer testimonial- “I drank Grainfields Lemon and Ginger in both my pregnancies. My daughters are healthy young children with a great immune system. I remained healthy throughout both pregnancies and had high energy levels. Both my daughters have been given Grainfields Lemon and Ginger diluted in boiled water from the first week of their life.” Shara F.

Sources: Rationale of Probiotic Supplementation during Pregnancy and Neonatal Period- Maria Elisabetta Baldassarre, Valentina Palladino, Anna Amoruso, Serena Pindinelli, Paola Mastromarino, Margherita Fanelli, Antonio Di Mauro, and Nicola Laforgia. PMC Published online 2018 Nov 6.   Probiotics: The Use of Probiotics in Pregnancy By Sherry Coleman Collins, MS, RDN, LD
Today’s Dietitian Vol. 19, No. 11, P. 18. Nov 2017